Om avtalet Avtalet ger fri publicering i rena open access-tidskrifter för forskare vid Lunds universitet. I avtalet ingår följande förlagsetiketter (imprints): BioMed Central (BMC) Springer Open Journals NatureResearch (inklusive Nature Communications och Scientific Reports) Palgrave Macmillan (endast en tidskrift: Palgrave Communications) Corresponding author måste vara knuten till Lunds


4 июн 2018 Новая книжная серия Moscow Lectures на английском языке выйдет в издательстве Springer Nature. Серия выпускается совместно с 

Preprints In addition to the above policy, which applies to the author’s accepted manuscript (AAM), authors may deposit a portion of the pre-submission version of their manuscript (preprint) in a recognised preprint server such as arXiv, biorXiv, or RePEc. Springer Nature makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on this community is accurate, complete or up to date, and to the fullest extent permitted by law all liability is excluded. 2021-02-23 · BMC Nature Portfolio Palgrave MacMillan Springer BMC A number of BMC and SpringerOpen journals have impact factors and some journals are being tracked by Clarivate Analytics and will receive their impact factor in due course. NEW Scigraph is now integrated with the Springer Nature API Portal, so Scigraph data can be queried directly using Springer Nature REST APIs. SciGraph is the Springer Nature Linked Data platform that collates information from across the research landscape, i.e. the things, documents, people, places and relations of importance to the science and scholarly domain.

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No. 1 in top 50 journals by impact factor. No. 1 in English language journals and English language academic books. A key point, as he says, is that only the gold open access protocol provides “immediate access to the final published version of record.” The white paper, Exploring Researcher Preference for the Version of Record, then takes that stance as a starting point and surveys researchers to see if they say they agree.

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Springer Nature rolled out the “2020 Sustainable Business Report,” its fourth annual study of the company’s environmental, social, and governance performance.
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About us. Our business is publishing. With more than 2,900 journals and 300,000 books, Springer offers many opportunities for authors, customers and partners.

Number of reviews: 4. Period, 2017  Just nu så erbjuder vi inga lediga tjänster hos Springer Nature på Graduateland. Det finns dock andra saker du kan göra här. Om du inte redan följer oss så kan  You can now carry your study material anywhere with the Macmillan Education's eReader App! The App gives access to all the animations, videos and other  Interactive supplementary material for your Springer Nature book or journal!
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Springer Nature’s announcement says the company sees the acquisition as a way to complement its book portfolio. You can familiarize yourself with this segment of Atlantis’ work here. Springer Nature itself is currently publishing more than 1,800 titles annually and has aggressively built its …

Springer Nature is an ambitious and dynamic organisation that is home to some of the best known names in research, educational and professional publishing. Why Springer Nature Author Services? Quality At Nature Research Editing Service , our editors are matched to the subject area of each document and are continually reviewed for quality to ensure Nature Research high standards are maintained. 2021-02-16 · The International Journal of Economic Policy Studies, IJEPS, aims at developing economic policy studies.

The Nano Research Award, established by the journal Nano Research together with TUP and Springer Nature in 2013, is awarded for outstanding contributions 

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